Outsourcing Information

Outsourcing Information

Questions About Outsourcing:

In today's global marketplace, corporations are continually searching worldwide for the most cost-effective sources for theirproducts and services, while maintaining/enhancing quality and efficiency.

This allows them to gain an incredible business and economic advantage, and remain competitive
in the global marketplace.

What Are the Tangible Benefits of Outsourcing?
  • Helps businesses remain competitive.
  • Offers access to technological resources.
  • A company that ignores innovation or cost-savings may affect it's "bottom line".
  • Purchasing power: Allows gas companies to afford goods/services at a cheaper rate. Without which your goods/services could get more expensive.
  • Consumer quality benefits: Many benefits of service insure gas companies of the affordability of these services.
  • Enables greater corporate savings: Many companies have reported sizeable savings. Can you afford give to that up?
  • Capital investment: Profits from Outsourcing help keep interest costs low and capital available.
  • Supports the process of creativity at your end so the next big thing can be undertaken. Helps create the next wave.
Consequences of Not Outsourcing:
  • Loss of savings and access to technological resources.
  • Deprivation of tools for cost-management and technological progress.
  • Imprudent spending.
  • Administrative: practical nightmare.
  • Other companies will continue to outsource and buy their services at much cheaper rates; and if not done "It would be like shooting ourselves in the foot."
  • Grave responsibility - Administrative burden.